Maria Danica's BaptismDec. 16, 2007. My baby sister, Maria Danica or Dani had her baptism at the Mary Help of Christians Parish. That is the very same church where my sister and I were also baptized. There were a couple of other babies who were baptized too but Dani was the only big baby :) The ceremony or mass lasted for about an hour. It was a nice celebration although it also made me a bit sleepy. Well, only when the priest was talking for almost half an hour because he was speaking in Tagalog so I did not understand most of what he said. I liked the part where the priest blessed Dani with water, when the priest made the sign of the cross on Dani's forehead, and when lighted candles are being passed around by the parents and the godparents.
The church looks so beautiful inside.
Very nice!
This is where the babies get blessed with water.
Father Battad, the priest, is standing next to my dad, mom and Dani in front of the altar.
Here, my mom, dad, Dani, LA, Yna, and I are still in the altar of the church.
Dani is so pretty in her white baptismal dress.
Kuya Polo and Dani
Christmas EveFor Christmas Eve, we had an amazing feast. We had "pancit" (noodles), "lechon" (roasted pig), chicken BBQ, "sariwang lumpiang ubod" (fresh vegetable wrap), "buko" (young coconut) salad, potato salad, ham, "queso de bola" (rounded cheese). When it was time for gift sharing I was as happy as when I first got my PS2. My gifts were a couple of very nice shirts, a collection of the 6 model ferraris, a beach ball, and a toy set full of action figures and other stuff.
Here is the pig we ate on Christmas Eve. Poor Pig!
Another picture of our tasty pig being cut into pieces.
Yna, Lola Alma, Lolo Daddy and I are eating. Yummy! Yummy! Yummy!
We are in a church for the "Simbang Gabi" and well, I have a santa hat on.
Everyone is in line to get a blessing from the priest. The priest said to me, "We have a Santa here!"
So many people!!! But we still managed to have our picture taken :)
Here we are giving Baby Jesus a kiss.
I am giving Baby Jesus another kiss while LA is waiting in line.
The three of us again!
My mom took a picture of me praying.
Here we were on the couch getting all excited because it is almost time for gift giving! Talk about a tight one! See the gifts?! Can't wait to open them!
Look at all those gifts! Its heaven!
Dani looked jealous while Yna's opening a gift. At the back, I'm busy with my gifts.
Christmas DayWe spent Christmas Day with my mom's family. I was so excited to learn that we were spending the whole day with them. Aside from seeing them again, I will be able to spend quality time with Tito Nick and Kuya Polo playing video games. Sweet! Once we got there, all of them gave us their Christmas gifts. My mom gave them their Christmas gifts in advance together with the "pasalubong" or souvenir from the U.S. when my mom went there without us. There's this particular gift from Tito Nick that I really like. A shirt that says "I am the good kid" at the front and "My sister's the brat!" at the back. Really cool! I can't wait to wear it. My mom said she has to wash it first before I can wear it.
After opening our gifts, Tito Nick, Kuya Polo and I bonded by playing what I have been waiting for -- video games. It was fun hanging out with them because they like video games too as much as I do. While I was playing, my mom was watching a Tagalog horror movie called "Sukob." When it was lunch time, we all ate Christmas lunch together. There were Pancit, Mechado, Tocino, Fried Chicken and Rice Cake. After lunch, we all prepared to go and visit my Lolo Nick's grave. Since Christmas is a time for family, we have to be with Lolo Nick too. After sometime, we went back to Lola Lita's house and I get to play some more.
Even if our visit was short because we were not able to spend the night there, I had a really good time. I know my mom was very happy too because she enjoys just being with them. She said that seeing them is enough to make her the happiest person in the whole wide world.
Here, my Uncle Nick, Kuya Polo, Lola Lita, Yna, Dani and I are standing near my grandpa's grave.
Here is another picture of the gang.
And another picture of us. I really wanted to see him again.
Here is my mom and Lola Lita.
My Tito Nick and Lola Lita are together near my Lolo Nick's grave.
My Tito Nick and I are standing behind my Tito Nick's "Porsche" but it's actually a Mitsubishi.
This grave is my Lolo Nick's. The last time I saw him was when I was 11 months old. I sure want to see him again.
We are at Eternal Garden in Desmarinas.
Lola Lita is holding because she missed me.
In this picture, baby was crying because she isn't used to seeing Tito Nick, Kuya Polo and Lola Lita.
Now Dani's happy because she has new toys.
Here I am watching Tito Nick play C.A.C Zero Hour. Man that computer rocks!
I really want those games but they are his. New YearWhen it was New Year's eve, the only question I thought of is, "Is it 12:00 AM yet?" We had many cool firecrackers, flares, sparklers, and a bazooka. My favorite one was a fountain that sprayed sparks all over the place. It was the best new year ever. For the feast, we had carbonara, salad, corn w/ carrots, hot dogs and marshmallows on sticks. spaghetti, and steak.
The feast.
I ate a lot of "carbonara" and the one that I liked most was the hot dog and marshmallow on stick.
LA and I were causing massive sounds with the metal boxes full of coins. Shake! Shake! Shake! This old tradition, my Lola Mommy said, will bring us luck and money for the coming year.
We made cute poses and I was wearing a shirt saying, "Not Listening."
The baby was annoyed at the hat and the noise of the fireworks scared her.
I'm excited! Bring on the Ka Boom!!!
The toy I'm holding isn't a telescope. It's really a whistle given to me by Tito Nick.
Tita Myla and I were sitting in the car. It was loud.
I was holding a sparkler. Whenever a spark hit my arm it stung me.
The big ones last longer than the small ones and they always make a yellow spark.
Here is a picture of the gang on New Year.
Look at it. Incoming!!!
It's going so high. Very High!
After it goes high, it explodes. So beautiful!
That one was my favorite. It sprayed a lot of sparkles like a fountain.
LA and I were dancing like crazy. I couldn't stop laughing.
Yna, LA, and I had a contest to see who had the dirtiest nose. Every tissue was clean so no one won.
Here we are having dessert. I had the chocolate cake.
We are all at the table eating. This day was better than playing video games. Good Night!
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